Saturday, January 31, 2009
Loren: Small things to help
Loren: Smoocheroonies.
Loren: Stop paddling in my sea!
Friday, January 30, 2009
tilly: Falling back on Matias
My half tera-byte Seagate has dieded on me. It would not start. It would not detect. It would not re-boot. It would not recover.
And gone with it are my music and my various material for everything I have collected over the past year. That includes LJSecrets, songs, images, musings, material for TillyLoren, movies, games...
And now I am tippity typing away on Matias, my iBook G4.
This cannot be a worser time for something like that to happen. My cellphone is crapping out. I need a new hard drive. And I still got rent to pay and I am so sick of the food that I am cooking because I think my brocolli (sp?) is spoilt and the carbonara sauce is past it's use by date and I think the stupid smoked chicken also turned bad.
No wait, actually no sigh.
I will get through this. I have been spending too much time online and on stupid Facebook anyways!
Great time to start weaning of cyberspace.
Ok, now I am rambling.
Also, I have not heard back from Loren at all.
So Loren,
If you are still alive.
Please send me a sign?
Love muchly
endpost :)
tilly: Hunger Strikes
And I admit I was absolutely frustrated with myself. Here I was, nearly a million miles away (yes, I exaggerate) and hearing my dear friend dying from hunger was killing. There was no way I could get food to her in time. Then it dawned on me what Matt once exclaimed, that he could order pizza online and then just wait for it to come.
Ok, half eureka. I had to start looking for online pizza places. And I was hoping like hell that they would accept a New Zealand credit card. I mean heck, Australia was as similar as New Zealand right? Yea right.
Anyway, Loren finally said that Domino’s does online ordering. So I went ahead and did it. This is the end result. See that dial on the right, tells you the status of your order in real-time. Pretty cool I say!
However, the acute smartness of Loren thought she’d better give the store a call just in case because the website explicitly wrote that the credit card MUST BE SIGHTED. I did tell Loren that we can do a webcam of the credit card if need be. Apparently it was hard for the guy over the phone to understand a kindly (ahem! Me!) friend across the ditch is ordering pizza for her friend. Accordingly, there was a long pause.
1. The address was incorrect.
2. The mobile number was incorrect.
I promise that I did not intend for that to happen!!! I really wanted Loren to have that Pizza!!! But I seem to be rather inept at ordering online and with Loren’s address and phone number. Hey, as long as I can get to her on MY phone, who really cares?!
And at the end, I heard the satisfying of Loren crunching on fresh lettuce from her Caesar Salad.
Sweet dreams!
Loren: I will resist.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Loren: I dream of a couture worn life.
tilly: Is back!
Loren: In tall, in short
Loren: My skin weeps for winter
Loren: Personally, Loren.
Chasing Cars (house remix) - Snow Patrol